Cathrine Fox: Issue One: Adventures in a Blue World

JULY 24 – AUGUST 14, 2011

Personal Log
Why cartooning?  It all began with letters my dad sent me when I was away from home as a kid.  The star of the letters was an elephant named Ima.  She was curious, intelligent, hilarious, and had a penchant for peanuts, jelly beans and painted toenails.  From age 9 to ~20, Ima made her cameo appearance via the USPS.  Girl scout camp, Europe, summer trips and finally to college–Ima came along in a series of adventures marked by jelly bean shortages.

Eventually, my dad’s letters morphed into more “adult” humor, but I had a little sister still at home, and I started to write to her in cartoon form.  My family and friends found out that my sister was receiving cartoons and demanded photocopies.  “Adventures with Cat” was born.

This summer’s cartoon series is titled “Adventures in a Blue World,” a nod to Sylvia Earle’s The World is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean’s Are One.  (If you don’t know who this amazing woman is, I encourage you to take 18 minutes and 16 seconds and watch her acceptance speech for the prestigious TEDprize:  My goal with this cartoon series is to make science more accessible, instill a curiosity about the ocean world, and provide fodder for all of the other “knowledge junkies” out there in the world, like myself.

Issue 1: Walleye Pollock Survey?  What is Walleye Pollock?

Adventures in a Blue World, Issue 10
Adventures in a Blue World, Issue 10

I am working out the kinks of size and format to make the cartoons readable.  You should be able to click on the cartoon and it will open in a separate window.  Let me know if this doesn’t work and you can’t read it still!

Until out next adventure,

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